Nov 7, 2008

About Me

Software Engnieer

3 评论:

Neil.He said...

I am Neil He

Unknown said...

hi neil
i read ur post on STL/STD support in android.u said that u used some stl funcrionalities from framwork/base......can u tell me how did u implement that because in all the header files were like ustring.h,uvecxtor.h.
i mean if i wanna use #include string or #include vector (sorry tags were nt allowed) how i will use it in my code.
do i have to do something in file.
please reply me here or in

Unknown said...

hi neil
i read ur post support of c++ STL/STD.where u said we can gat some STL support from framework/base..../ustl-1.0.can u tell me exactly how to use this in code(if possible with an example), because i am seeing only #include ustring.h uvector.h.i gave that path in file LOCAL_C_INCLUDES tag.but i am still getting error in string and vector implementation.
i am not getting how webkit is getting compiled, they are also using STL(string,vector,map).
please reply me asap coz i am not able to resolve it from 1 week.